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Reverse Naukasana

The Reverse Naukasana of Yoga

As your abdominal section is under pressure, your pancreas can function better and help increase secretion of insulin from the pancreas, improving your digestion.

Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra

The Fifth Chakra is located at the throat area and is associated with the color turquoise. It resonates at the same vibration as the musical note G.

The Plough Pose

Halasana: The Plough Pose

The plough pose is a deep stretch for the neck, back, and legs, but has many other benefits for the mind, circulatory and endocrine systems, and the chakras.

yoga wheel

Best Yoga Wheel

Have you tried a yoga wheel? If not, you are missing out on some awesome times in your yoga sessions. Yoga wheels can make a huge difference in your yoga sessions and especially when targeting to reach your goals faster.  Here, we tell you what… Read More »Best Yoga Wheel